<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>StudioWorks - Version 2011-08-19</title> <meta name="keywords" content="omnis studio, raining data, studioworks documentation" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.studiotips.net/css/codedoc.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.studioworks-dev.net/css/codedoc.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <p><a href = ../index.html > Sw4 </a> &nbsp &gt; &nbsp <a href = index.html > About </a> &nbsp &gt; &nbsp Version 2011-08-19</p> <a name="version20110819" /> <h2>Version 2011-08-19</h2> <p>This is a minor release with various bug fixes and minor enhancements.</p> <ul> <li><span class="nav">SQL Server</span> - Updated the SQL Server DB methods.</li> <li><span class="nav">Metadata</span> - Updated the Custom Info Metadata it should work better now.</li> <li><span class="nav">Web Dev Files</span> - Creation of Signin and Search pages should be properly encoded in OS 5+ now.</li> <li><span class="nav">Web Dev Security</span> - Session IDs should now be encrypted by default and some checks are in place during user logon to prevent sql injection attacks. Toolbars now use the oSecurity methods to determine which buttons are included.</li> <li><span class="nav">Web Dev Metadata</span> - Reports, Nav Menu and Lookup Option Lists now use the current metadata scheme for display lines.</li> </ul> <p>To update to this new release:</p> <ol> <li>Quit Omnis Studio.</li> <li>Backup your application! </li> <li>Replace the <span class="file">studioworks</span> folder.</li> <li>Open your application and test.</li> <li>If you hit any snags, email me a zip of your application with instructions on when and where you are running into problems.</li> </ol> <p>Each library and the modifications in the release are listed below. The modifications are compiled from the <span class="code">@MOD</span> tag comments found in the methods of the classes in the library.</p> <div class="image_sideline"><img src="http://www.studiotips.net/css/images/warning.gif" alt="Warning" /><p>This release and all future StudioWorks releases require Omnis Studio 5.x or greater</p> </div> <a name="swbase4" /> <h3>swBase4</h3> <p><span class="code">oDBAdminMethods_SQLSERVER/$_copyTableData</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-20 Josh L. as per Andy H.)</span><br /> Moved the prSchema parameter to 3rd instead of first.</p> <p><span class="code">oDBAdminMethods_SQLSERVER/$_copyTableData</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-20 Josh L. as per Andy H.)</span><br /> Changed prSchema.$servertablename to prSchema.$name</p> <p><span class="code">oDBAdminMethods_SQLSERVER/$_syncTableAndColumns_getAddAlterColsLists</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-19 Josh L. as per Andy H.)</span><br /> Changed from &amp;amp;pos('INT',low(SQLDataType)) to &amp;amp;pos('INT',upp(SQLDataType))</p> <p><span class="code">oDBAdminSQLText_SQLSERVER/$retSQL_SQLDataType</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-19 Josh L. as per Andy H.)</span><br /> added a case for binary data types.</p> <p><span class="code">oPrimaryKeys_SQLSERVER/$setPrimaryKeyCounter</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-19 Josh L. as per Andy H.)</span><br /> Wrote the method according to email from Andy H.</p> <p><span class="code">oSecurity_DBAccessor_abstract/$updateGroup</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Removed the () after $sessionobject as that seems to interfere with OS 5.1</p> <p><span class="code">oTableClassMethods_base/$dodeletesBatch</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Removed () after $sessionobject as that seems to interfere with OS 5.1</p> <p><span class="code">oTableClassMethods_base/$executeinto</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Removed the () after $sessionobject as that seems to interfere with OS 5.1</p> <p><span class="code">oTableClassMethods_base/$insertEmptyRecord</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Removed the () after $sessionobject as that seems to interfere with OS 5.1</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataQueryClassEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ability to redefine the row on the fly. Also added an error check.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataQueryColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L. as per Rob W.)</span><br /> Modified this event, so that you don't have to go back and forth between the columns metadata and the custom info metadata each time you click on a different column.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataQueryColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ablility to change the custominforow definition on the fly and some error checking.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataQueryColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> Put the custom info row definition code in its own method.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataQueryColsEditor_View/DefineCustomInfoRow</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ablility to change the custominforow definition on the fly and some error checking.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataSchemaClassEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ability to update the custominforow definition on the fly and included some error checking</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataSchemaColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L. as per Rob W.)</span><br /> Modified this event, so that you don't have to go back and forth between the columns metadata and the custom info metadata each time you click on a different column.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataSchemaColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ability to redefine custominforow on the fly and some error checking.</p> <p><span class="code">wSQLMetaDataSchemaColsEditor_View/$event</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> Put the custom info row definition code in its own method.</p> <span class="code">wSQLMetaDataSchemaColsEditor_View/DefineCustomInfoRow</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-12 Josh L.)</span><br /> added the ablility to change the custominforow definition on the fly and some error checking. <a name="swdocs4" /> <h3>swDocs4</h3> No modifications <a name="swgui4" /> <h3>swGui4</h3> <p><span class="code">oMenus/$retNavMenuLinesList</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Updated this method to include the parameter required in the method called for Web Development.</p> <span class="code">wErrorlogList/$deleteAll</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Removed the () from $sessionobject because it seems to interfere with OS 5.1 <a name="swicons4" /> <h3>swIcons4</h3> No modifications <a name="swrefs4" /> <h3>swRefs4</h3> No modifications <a name="swreports4" /> <h3>swReports4</h3> No modifications <a name="swweb4" /> <h3>swWeb4</h3> <p><span class="code">oCreateWebPage/$createSearchPage</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-15 Josh L.)</span><br /> The text wasn't turning out quite right. It looked fine on the web, but notepad put lots of spaces between each character.</p> <p><span class="code">oCreateWebPage/$createSignInPage</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-15 Josh L.)</span><br /> The text wasn't turning out quite right. It looked fine on the web, but notepad put lots of spaces between each character.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLSecurity/$_signInSessionID</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Check the UserID for SQL Keywords and ; before using it in a sql statement.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLSecurity/$_signInUser</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Check the UserID for SQL Keywords and ; before using it in a sql statement.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLSecurity/decryptSessionID</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Commented out the straight string conversion and use the encryption tool to unencrypt the binary version of the session id. Introduced the variable BinEncryptedSessionID and translate the EncryptedSessionID from hex to binary to decrypt.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLSecurity/retEncryptedSessionID</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Use the encrypted string instead of plain text as it's more secure.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLSecurity/retEncryptedSessionID</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Introduced the BinEncryptedSessionID variable and use bintohex to give us a string of the encrypted var</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLTemplates/$retFileText</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-15 Josh L.)</span><br /> Was getting back gibberish from the template file.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLTools/$retToolbarHTML</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-07-21 Josh L.)</span><br /> Updated this method to work with the ModuleData Window Commands List rather than a csv string of command names.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLTools/$retToolbarHTML</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-18 Josh L.)</span><br /> Added some security to the toolbar to prevent users from doing unwanted actions while on the web.</p> <p><span class="code">oHTMLTools/retLookupSelectListHTML</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-11 Josh L.)</span><br /> Added the functionality to use the ColumnsList.lookupwhere metadata to pare down the lookup list.</p> <span class="code">oReportsMenuObserver/$_printReportInstID</span> <span class="moddateby">(2011-08-03 Josh L.)</span><br /> Updated this method to work with the MenuLinesList and the Menus Metadata. <p class="footer">StudioWorks Documentation - Copyright 2005 Vencor Software </p></div> </body> </html>