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The swGui5 library is the beginning of a new paradigm for the structure of window instances in StudioWorks.

The notes in this section and the classes in swGui5 library are under development and subject to change without notice.

StudioWorks developers are advised not to use any of the swGui5 classes.

The documentation in this section as subject to change without notice.

$keyevent and $mouseevents

eIn swGui4 the library Action properties $keyevents and $mousevents were set to kTrue. This means that every evKey, evMouseEnter, and evMouseLeave on every window object causes Omnis Studio to send a $event message to the field.In swGui5 I wanted to reduce the amount of $event messages being sent to the fields, so in swGui5 the library Action properties $keyevents and $mousevents are set to kFalse. This means that in order to trap evKey events, the $keyevents property of the entry field must be set to kTrue. In most cases this only applies to lookup type ahead fields. The field handler code will be modified to automatically set the $keyevents property of the lookup entry field to kTrue.The $mouseevents property affects events such as: evMouseEnter, evMouseLeave.From testing the following are not affected by $mouseevents: